摘要:A self-completion survey about the light rail and heavy rail travel of 2588 individual travellers in 1993, and the 2011 census data were used to help to inform the analysis of the short-term impact of Metrolink Phase 1, which was opened in 1992. This paper focuses on whether there were any changes of people’s travel behaviour under the influence of this new infrastructure, for example, the changes of mode choice, and whether this can contribute to a regeneration in the city centre. In this paper, chi-square test was delivered to test the hypotheses. In addition, this paper explored the socio-economic characteristics of rail users, and also the common characteristics of light rail passengers. The outcomes of analysis suggested that people who bought peak and off-peak return ticket, aged 14-54, employed or self-employed, are housewives, or retired were more likely to choose light rail.
关键词:transport analysis, Metrolink, travel behaviour, before-after impacts